How to take care of cystostomy
※ 每日要更換Y紗,以保持造口乾淨,減少感染。
/Everyday to change Y-gauge, it’s can keep cystostomy clean and prevent infection.
※ 更換敷料步驟 :
Change dressing step:
- 移除膀胱造口上之敷料。
/Take a dressing of cystostomy away.
2 、洗手
/wash hands
3 、以無菌棉棒沾取生理食鹽水清潔造口周圍皮膚。
/Apply normal saline to clean cystostomy surrounding skin.
4 、以無菌棉棒沾取優碘溶液,由內往外以環狀消毒法消毒皮膚,約直徑5公分範圈。
/ Apply better-iodine cotton swab to clean peripheral skin of cystostomy, about diameter 5cm.
5 、以無菌Y紗與無菌紗布覆蓋膀胱造口,並以紙膠固定。
Apply disinfect Y-gauge & gauge cover cystostomy, and fixed with 3-M tape.
6. 、每天更換膠布固定的位置 , 以減少皮膚刺激.
/ Every day change tape fixed position , it’s can prevent stimulate skin.
7 、每天喝水 2000cc 以上,建議可給予蔓越莓
/Every day drink water over 2000㏄ , suggest give
him cranberry juice.
/ Notice the patient whether urine flow smooth, pure degree of urine, notify home care nurse if abnormal.
9 、尿袋位置要低於膀胱,避免逆流。
/Urine bag position wants to be low in the bladder, avoiding against the current.