How give a feed training by mouth
一、視個案情況,於餵食前備妥抽痰機及抽痰管。 See an individual case condition, prepare to suction machine and suction tube before feeding on.
二、若病患意識木僵,無法配合行吞嚥動作,則請勿由口餵食。If the patient conscious stupor, can't match with to go to swallow action, then please don't be fed on by mouth.
三、在進食前後先採坐姿15分鐘。Let the case take sitting posture for 15 minutes
before and after feed.
四、進食時將其頭部向前屈45度,以維持食道通暢。When he(she) taking a meal let head forward 45 degree, it’s can maintain esophagus smooth.
四、 採循序漸進方式餵食:滴管裝一半水 滴管裝滿水 果汁/ Adopt to follow the sequence and advance gradually a way to feed on:the dropper pack half water The dropper fills up water Juice
取代水 1/4茶匙的半固體 1/2茶匙的半固體 / Replace water 1/the half solid of 4 teaspoons 1/the half solid of 2 teaspoons
1/2塊的質地較軟餅乾 軟質食物 / 1/2 piece 1/2biscuits with softer qualities Soft food
普通飲食。 Common Diet.
五、餵食方向以健側為主,需確定前一口食物已吞下,才再餵食。 Feeding on the direction regards normal side as principle and need to be sure the food has already swallowed, just again feed on.
六、異物梗塞緊急處理------- The urgent process of choke-------
- 意識清醒者鼓勵自行咳出,勿拍背或干擾,直至異物咳出為止。 /conscious clear case-Encouragement coughs by oneself, don't percussion back or interference, until the foreign body coughs.
- 意識清醒,完全梗塞無法自行咳出者- conscious is awake, completely choke the airway but can't cough by oneself-
* 施救者施行腹戳法:患者採坐姿或站姿均可,施救者站在其背後,兩手環繞患者腰部,一手握拳,將拳的拇指放在其肚臍與劍突之間的腹部,另一手握住拳頭,向後擠壓6-10次。重覆施行直至異物清除。 Abdomen push method:Let the case sitting posture or standing posture all can, saves station in his back, two hands surround sufferer's loins, clench fist all alone and put the thumb of boxing between his umbilical and the thorax bone, another skill grasp a fist, squeeze backward 6-10 Repeated enforcement until the foreign body cleans.
* 孕婦及腹部較突出者則採胸戳法。Pregnant woman and the belly more outstanding then adopts the method of thoracic squeeze
- 進入昏迷狀態者----Get into in coma
* 暢通其呼吸道,將其採平躺仰臥。 Straight his airway ,Let he(she)lie on the back.
* 高聲求援。 Loudly ask for help.
* 檢查有無呼吸,用力吹2口氣,如無法吹入,則再暢通呼吸道並再吹2口氣。 To check whether apnea, make an effort to blow 2 tones, as can't blow to go into, then straight his airway and blow 2 tones.
* 施行6~10次腹戳法或胸戳法(施救者雙膝跨跪在病患大腿2側,1手掌根置於其肚臍與劍突之間的腹部,一手重疊其上,10指交叉緊扣,手肘打直,手指勿碰觸患者胸腹部,快速向上推擠,手不可偏左偏右,腹戳6~10次進行手指掃探。 / Apply 6~10 times thoracic or abdomen squeeze method (save two knee's across patient 2 sides of thigh, a belly of that Be placed to its navel and the sword , one hand cover another hand, 10 digit tightly buttons up, the elbow straight, the finger doesn't touch chest and abdomen department, jostle quickly and upward, the hand can't be partial to left be partial to right, the thoracic squeeze carries on finger to sweep to explore 6~10 times.
* 每次腹戳法均需分開有節奏的推擠,用力將異物排出。 The method of abdomen squeeze all needs to separately have jostling of rhythm each time and make an effort to eject a foreign body.
- 異物排出後需觀察患者之血壓、心跳、體溫,有異常需盡快送醫診治。After the foreign body eject , you needs to check patient’s blood pressure, heart beat, temperature, if is abnormality needing sending to hospital to make a diagnosis and give treatment as soon as possible.
- 患者嗆到或異物梗塞,需馬上將其異物清除,而非急著將其送醫,否則送醫後亦會有吸入性肺炎等後遺症發生。The sufferer suffocates or the foreign body block and need right away its foreign body cleaning, rather than nasty send to hospital it, Otherwise he (she) will have the complication of aspiratory pneumonia etc.
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